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May 2015 Bulletin



Greetings Fundy Paddlers,


Yahoo!  Paddling season has finally arrived, warmer weather is on the horizon! 


First off, it gives me great pleasure to welcome 24 brand new club members to Fundy Paddlers Club in just the past few months - Welcome, we're very glad to have you join us! We have an exciting line-up of events, clinics, courses and trips scheduled for our paddlers, whether they be new or experienced - it's going to be a fantastic year!


So far this year we have had five successful events - a Paddle Smart safety course, a Wilderness First Aid Course, a Paddle Making Workshop, LIFE LINE; Safety & Emergency On the Water,  and an In-Pool Canoe/Kayak Rescue Clinic, with more to come. The schedule for May is filling fast with lots of activities to choose from including a number of day trips and an overnighter.. (See the online club calendar here:


Check out "Happening In May" below, plus the "Fitness For Paddlers" corner near the bottom of this bulletin featuring T'ai Chi For Paddlers. This month, on Saturday, May 2nd, our very own Equipment Officer, Sifu Pat Stanley, will be hosting a T'ai Chi fundraiser in which the club receives 100% of funds raised. Pat is a certified Wu's Family Tai Chi Chuan Instructor, and will present two 2-hour instructional classes geared to get paddlers and sports minded bodies ready for the summer.


T’ai Chi is a centuries-old “soft” martial art that is based on rooting, centering, and using weight shifts and waist and hip rotations to perform the movements. Energy is conserved by using the large torso muscles. The center of gravity is lowered by focusing, imaging, and relaxing into one’s root. The moves are beautiful, graceful, and flowing. What a great way to get ready for paddling. 


Paddling, whether on flatwater, whitewater, rivers, or oceans, is moving gracefully with and through the water using waist and hip rotations to propel your arms/paddle. The lower your center of gravity, the stabler you are in your boat. - Betsey Foster


More info about the upcoming T'ai Chi fundraiser event can be seen below.


Looking forward,






Communications/ Member Services and Promotions, FPC Inc.

2nd VP, SJOE





Happening in May:


May 2nd - Fundraiser - T'ai Chi Instructional Workshops


Where:   Lily Lake Pavillion on the deck, 12 noon - 2pm, 2:30-4:30pm


Learn moves that will help not only to improve your balance, but loosen tight muscles, increase range of motion, and build rotational strength and coordination. Sifu Pat will be teaching all who attend some Chi Gong , Tai Chi Ruler and the form Brush Knee and Push.


Be sure to call Pat (506) 654-0366 or email him at to reserve your spot on the deck. It's going to be a fun time - don't miss out!


FEE:  Twenty dollars per/person per class  NOTE: The Ballroom is available in case of rain or foul weather. Everyone is welcome, please invite your friends, family and/or co-workers.


Sign-up information here:




Kayak Tripping


If you're itching to get out on the water in your kayak (and you really shouldn't do it alone), you'll be happy to know that there are currently two Kayak Day trips planned for May; 


  • Sunday, May 3rd - Dominion Park to be led by Ray Quan

  • Wednesday, May 6th - Hammond to Kennebecasis to be led by Jeremy Cline 


Further info concerning each trip can be found on the online calendar ( and/or specific "Event" on the club's facebook group:


ie:  current Dominion Park Day Trip:




Canoe Tripping


There are several canoe day trips planned for May to date:


  • Saturday, May 9th - Nerepis River to be led by Nancy Clifford

  • Saturday, May 16th - East Branch Musquash to be led by Laura Mazerolle 

  • Saturday, May 23rd - Beamers Creek (Hampton) to be led by Beth McCann


and a Multi-Day Trip :


  • Saturday/Sunday, May 23-24th - St Croix Vanceboro to Scott Brook to be led by Evan Young.


NOTE:   I will be creating trip "Events" for all sanctioned canoe/kayak outings on the facebook group page with full up-to-date details prior to each outing.  You may access them all by clicking on the "Events" link under the club banner.  


If details change within a 24 hour time-frame of any particular event, the trip leader will notify all on said event page/and or facebook. Any changes outside the 24-hour time frame will be shown on the online calendar and/or particular facebook event page.  Questions? Send me a note. :)





FPC Courses for May


Fundy Paddlers Club, under the direction of our Training Officer, Karen Vanderwolf, has some fantastic courses lined up for May!

You can now view all upcoming courses on the online calendar, and on the FPC website ( under the "programs" link.



Also, as each  course draws near, and for those viewing fb on a regular basis, I will create course "Events" on FPC's facebook group ( Click the Events link under the banner for all current events.



Here are May's upcoming Courses:



  • Introductory Solo Lakewater Canoeing;  May  11, 13, 14, 15 -  Lily Lake, evenings 6-9pm

Instructor:  Evan Young

Fee:  Members: $60/person;  Non-members: $120/person



  • Free Weekly Solo Clinics;  beginning May 18th, the FPC style solo canoe instructors will be holding free solo clinics Monday evenings from 6-8pm at Arches (Little Fisher Lake) in Rockwood Park. No experience necessary. This program ends July 6th.



  • Introductory Canoe Poling;  May 18, 20, 22nd - Hammond River Bridge, evenings 6-9pm

Instructor: Evan Young

Fee:  Members:  $40/person; Non-members:  $80/person



  • Introductory Tandem Lakewater Canoe;  May 25, 27, 29, 31st - Lily Lake, evenings 6-9pm

Instructor:  Evan Young

Fee:  Members:  $60/person;  Non-members:  $120/person



  • Introductory Big Canoe;  May 30th - Lily Lake, Time TBA

Instructor:  Rob Lemmon

Fee:  Members:  $42/person;  Non-members:  $50/person



  • Intermediate Big Canoe;  May 31st - Lily Lake, Time TBA

Instructor:  Rob Lemmon

Fee:  Members:  $90/person;  Non-members:  $105/person



NOTE:  You may register for all above courses by emailing Karen at




Monthly Club Meeting - May 25th


Not to be missed, please join us Monday, May 25th, 6:30-9pm at the Interpretation Centre, as Evan Young, FPC Member and

VP-Canoe, presents his fascinating canoe trip to world-renowned Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit in British Columbia.


Bowron Lake Park is a large wilderness area situated on the western slopes of the Cariboo Mountain Range. The The Bowron Lake Canoe Circuit encompasses a 116 km chain of lakes, waterways and connecting portages. The park has tremendous diversity in topography and vegetation. The park is a place of many moods, from bright sunshine and placid blue lakes to angry gray waters and torrential rains.


Refreshments and goodies will be served after the presentation.  See you there!




Just a Reminder - Club Dues are Due!


Time to send in your dues if you haven't already. Same rates as last year: $15 individual ; $20 family/household. Everyone - those renewing and new members - need to download and sign the waiver. (Printed applications will be available at the next Club Meeting, May 25th)


Download the club waiver and application here.




Fitness For Paddlers




T’ai Chi Walking: Do this before you launch, and then use the feeling and focus to quiet and center your body while in your boat. Stand with your feet in a V. Envision yourself suspended by a silk string from the crown of your head. Focus your eyes on the horizon line. Jaw is relaxed, shoulders are relaxed and sunk, abdomen is soft, hips are loose and relaxed, 1,000 pounds is hanging from your tailbone, knees are soft, and feet are relaxed. Envision deep taproots extending into the ground from the bottom of your feet. All of this helps to lower your center of gravity and elongate your spine.


Now you are ready to move. Shift all your weight to the right foot. Take a small step forward with your left foot, placing the heel first with the left toes pointing out at a 45-degree angle. Very slowly shift your weight left, so slowly that it is almost one pound at a time. When all your weight is on the left foot, the right heel will release. Take a small step forward with your right foot, placing the heel first, toes at a 45-degree angle, and continue. It should take you about five minutes to move forward 15 feet. When you have done this, turn around and repeat the exercise back to where you started. When you are finished, not only will you be relaxed, but your center of gravity will have lowered because you have concentrated on rooting into the ground, and you will be focused on the task at hand.


Hold the Ball: This exercise uses the torso, waist, and hips to move the arms, and will help you maintain your paddler’s box while in your boat. The arms follow the torso. Pay careful attention to this, as almost all of us instinctively let the torso follow the arms. Remember, torso first and arms follow.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with the weight equally distributed between your feet. Let your arms rise in front of you, palms facing each other, until your arms are about halfway between your waist and shoulders. Envision that you are holding a beach ball between your arms. Shift all your weight left. Rotate your waist and hips to the right. Your arms will follow. Rotate waist and hips back to the center. The arms will follow. Shift your weight equally. Shift all your weight to the right, rotate waist and hips left, and continue. Do this exercise 20 times or more, alternating sides. While doing this exercise, focus on the postural description in T’ai Chi walking.


Rotating from Your Waist: This exercise emphasizes the use of your waist and hips to cause movement, and is excellent for working on using the torso to create strokes. Stand with your feet about six inches wider than shoulder width. Again, focus on the postural images of Hold the Ball. Envision your spine as a ridgepole. As with the ridgepole on a house, you do not want that ridgepole/spine to bend. Now envision that your nose and navel are connected by a steel rod-this keeps your torso as one unit. When you are ready, begin to rotate from your waist and hips around your spine. Let your arms follow and let them be soft like cotton candy. Continue this exercise for 50 to 100 rotations.


Practice these simple exercises three or more times a week all year long to become a stronger and more fluid paddler.


Betsey Foster is a longtime paddler and a freelance writer. Karen Knight is a world-class freestyle canoeist. She and her partner, Bob Foote, travel throughout the world teaching canoeing (flatwater and whitewater) and sea kayaking. Foster and Knight became friends a number of years ago through skiing, carried their friendship over to paddling, and have taught T’ai Chi and paddling workshops together to rave reviews at the East Coast Canoe and Kayak Festival as well as the Atlantic Sea Kayaking Symposium.



Please let us know if you found this Fitness Instructional helpful.



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