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Fundy Paddlers Club

Code of Ethics


Members of the Fundy Paddlers Club intend to demonstrate by example;good citizenship, responsible environmental stewardship and healthy, respectful camaraderie through our pursuit of the joys to be found in  paddle sports. To these ends, we endorse the following Code of Ethics:



The Fundy Paddlers code of ETHICS states:
Respect others and the environment. Leave No Trace



RESPECT OTHERS:  Respect other people’s rights, privileges, property and personal space.


  • Skill andAbility levels are to be shared honestly with your fellow paddlers. Skill and knowledgesharing is encouraged at any level when requested by those who feel it may be of benefit to them.

  • Active fishing areas are to beavoided as much as possible.

  • Private propertyrequires permission for such uses as; put-in and take-out points and lunch or camping spots.

  • Lunch and campsites which are occupied are to be avoidedand alternate sites be found when ever possible.

  • Take-out and Launch sites, especially those which are crowded, are to be utilized as efficiently as possible and cleared as quickly as they can.

  • Alcohol consumption is to be kept to a minimum and discouraged when on the water.



RESPECT the ENVIRONMENT:  Respect and interact with wildlife causing minimal negative impact.


  • Tie everything into your boat so as to avoid, unexpectedly; leavingequipment/food in or along the waterway should an upset occur.

  • ALL garbageis to be removed.Do not burry or burn. Pack out extra when you can.

  • Cat holes are to be situated and dug in accordance with accepted human waste disposal practices, at least 100’ from any water course and well above seasonal water levels.

  • LIVE trees should never be cut, except perhaps in emergency situations.

  • FIRES are to be built, maintainedand extinguishedin accordance with accepted safety practices and in compliance with local and seasonal regulations.

  • Wildlife habitat and dwellings should be noted and avoided, especially along a shore line when launching and landing.



LEAVE NO TRACE:  Leave only footprint and take only memories (pictures)


  • No Trace practices shall be learned and practiced to the best of our abilities.





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