June 2015 Bulletin
Happy June, everyone!
Paddling season is finally here and the club has lots of happening things planned!
First, as the Communications Officer, and on behalf of the Club itself, I'm honored to again welcome even more new club members to Fundy Paddlers Club - To you, Welcome! We're very happy to have you join us! We have an exciting line-up of events, clinics, courses and trips scheduled for our members, whether they be new or experienced - with additional items being added almost weekly. To begin planning your summer activities, have a peek at the club's interactive calendar on the website http://www.fundypaddlersclub.org.
Next, check out "Happening In June" below for other club news and buzzworthy events... lots going on including a Canoe Raffle, a 50/50 Draw at the Club Meeting on Monday, June 15th (two fantastic presentations planned for that same night), canoe and kayak trips, courses, clinics, and much more. :)
Looking forward,
Communications/ Member Services and Promotions, FPC Inc.
2nd VP, SJOE
Happening in June:
Fundraiser - Canoe Raffle
Fundy Paddlers Club will be selling tickets for a 12' Nova Craft Trapper Canoe beginning June 15th. Tickets are $10 each or three for $20. This is a registered raffle with only 300 tickets being sold.
Tickets will be available at the Club Meeting at the Interpretation Centre on June15th. If you would like to support the club by selling tickets to your family, friends or co-workers, please let me know and I will get them to you. :)
Note: Click info sheet for Nova Craft Trapper Canoe details:
UPDATE: You may now purchase your tickets online through the club's Paypal account: Send payment with your name, phone number, and requested number of tickets to fundypaddlersclub@maiz.ca to order. Tickets will be submitted into draw upon reciept of payment.
Canoe Tripping
We have a couple of canoe trips happening over the next couple of weeks, including a 3-night camping trip:
Bellisle Creek on Saturday, June 13th, to be led by Evan Young (egyoung@nb.aibn.com)
and a Multi-Day Trip:
Kedgwick - Resigouche River, June 18 - 22nd, to be led by Chris Kennedy (jckennedy@gmail.com)
NOTE: For those on Facebook, I will be creating trip "Event Pages" on the facebook group page for all club sanctioned canoe/kayak outings with full up-to-date details including the Activity Officer's contact info, prior to each outing. You may access them all by clicking on the "Events" link under the club banner https://www.facebook.com/groups/FundyPaddlersClub/. (The same details will also be noted on the club's online calendar found on the website)
If details change within a 24 hour time-frame of any particular event, the Activity Officer (trip leader) will notify all on said event page/and facebook. Any changes outside the 24-hour time frame will be shown on the online calendar and/or particular event page.
Kayak Tripping
If you're itching to get out on the water in your kayak (and you really shouldn't do it alone), you'll be happy to know that there's a great Kayak trip planned for this evening at 4:00pm:
CANCELED Due to Forecasted Wind Gusts of up to 38km with rain beginning at 6:00pm. New date TBA
Lepreau Estuary - Mink Brook to Lepreau Falls on Monday, June 8th, to be led by Ray Quan (Canceled)
Black Beach - Saturday, July 4th, to be led by Ray Quan
If you'd like to join in, please call Ray asap: Home 672-7527 Cell 647-4269
email: xenon@nb.sympatico.ca
Further trips (and any others presently not scheduled) can be found on the website calendar (http://www.fundypaddlersclub.org) and/or specific "Event" on the club's facebook group:
ie: Black Beach Day Trip: https://www.facebook.com/events/777342092365067/
FPC Practice Sessions, Clinics & Courses for June
Fundy Paddlers Club has some great practice sessions, clinics, and courses lined up for June!
You can view these events on the club calendar found on the FPC website (www.fundypaddlersclub.org) and in document form under the "programs" link.
Monthly Club Meeting / Social- Monday, June 15th
Dragon Boat Presentation & Knot Clinic
Not to be missed, please join us Monday, June 15th, 6:00-9pm at the Rockwood Park Interpretation Centre, as two special guests each present to club members and friends:
Jon MacQueen, Gold medalist Dragon Boat Racer
Please join us for an exciting passage to the world of Dragon Boats... Being a medalist in dragon boat competitions at an international level is not new for the 73 year old Grand Bay resident. Jon participated in four races during the World Dragon Boat Championships held in Szeged, Hungary July 2013; Senior “B” category, three each in Senior “C” Mixed and Open for a total of ten events. In these ten events he and his teams had ten podium finishes attaining ten medals; two Gold, six Silver and two Bronze. Jon also captured two gold medals at the Pan Am Games in July, 2012 and four gold medals at the World Championships held in Tampa, Florida in 2011.
Peter Foss, FPC Member, Scouts Canada Leader and Avid Canoeist
As a paddler, do you know how to safely tie your boat down for the trip to the put-in? Track your canoe upstream? Tow another boat? Attach an anchor? Lower your loaded kayak down a sea-cliff? What knots would you use, and how?
Not to be missed, join us as Peter shows us the knots to do just that, and more. Peter will be demonstrating various knots and will have his six-person knot-practice board at the Interpretation Centre so that all may practice what they learn. Feel free to bring your own rope to practice with also.
NOTE: There will be a brief Club business update in the first 15 minutes of the evening where you will find out what has been happening with the club over the past 6 months. Great way to stay tuned!
Bring your Toonies! We will be having a 50/50 draw at each Club meeting. Winning ticket wins half the cash! Each ticket costs $2
Refreshments and snack will be served after the presentation. See you there!
Club Business:
Board News: The Board and Committees have been working hard with a full slate of trips, courses and events planned in response to member's input on the Winter Survey, January Planning Meeting and the spring input from the Program Committees. There are still openings in the summer schedule, so if you wish to suggest a course or lead a trip, please to let us know.
We have had changes on the Board recently. For your reference, current Officers are:
Ray Quan, President President
Jeremy Cline, VP- Kayaking
Jayne brawn Vandenberghe, 1st VP, Communications / Member Services & Promotion
Patrick Stanley, 2nd VP / Equipment Officer
Karen Vanderwolf, Training Officer
Craig Campbell, Treasurer / Registrar
Lynaya Asterphen, Recording Secretary
For the time being, Ray and Jeremy will handle sanctioning of trips and events.
Grass Roots Update:
2015 Big Canoe Community Paddle Program: The Fundy Paddlers Club (FPC) in conjunction with Maritime Day Tripping (MDT) are providing paddling opportunities free to community groups.
Most sessions will be at 6 pm on Mondays, although some other options may be arranged. There are 10 sessions scheduled June through August. Sessions will involve a short period of instruction and about an hour of paddling on Lily Lake in a big canoe.
Groups of 4-8 can be accommodated and life jackets and paddles will be provided.
While the core of the implementation will be by MDT, FPC has committed to provide 1-2 volunteers per session, and it would be appreciated if interested members would sign up with Craig.
This opportunity has been funded by Transport Canada and the Canadian Safe Boating Council. The objective is to promote safe boating practices.
If you know a group who might be interested, or if you are interested in volunteering at one or more of these sessions, please contact Craig Campbell or Rob Lemmon via email at craig.campbell16@yahoo.ca or maritimeadventure@gmail.com
Fitness For Paddlers
In May, the David Suzuki Foundation ran a 30 times 30 challenge to spend at least 30 minutes outdoors for 30 days - did you participate?
I personally plan to continue this throughout the summer and I hope you will join me. Whether you're out because your dog needs a walk, you're back-packing in the wilderness, or you're paddling on a local river, lake or stream, we'd love to hear about your adventures! You can tell us about them via social media (links below) or e-mail: fundypaddlersclub@inbox.com
Become a member...
It's easy to join Fundy Paddlers Club